customer service

The Reference Selling Model

The Reference Selling Model

Has your sales team said to you that they need more referrals and better references?  If you have heard this from your team, this is the article for you.    The reference selling model was something I developed at NetApp and was a key part of my onboarding process and well as our team's regular selling motion.  In 2008 our team represented 1/58 of the sales force and about 20% of the case studies.  In fact, one customer enjoyed this process so much they gave us an award.   The benefits of this model include:

The Complaining Customer

The Complaining Customer

The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business. - Zig Ziglar

In my career, I have found that this statement is absolutely true.   I have spent most of my career selling technology to large enterprises or government organizations.   To drive big outcomes with those customers, it is important to have executive level relationships.   If your does not have those relationships, how can your team develop them?